About Us

  • We Trace people all over the UK

  • Industry leading success rate, with All Our Traces , No Find No Fee!!

  • If you have any Questions call or Email us

Why use us

Tracefind can find your Ex-tenant who’s gone missing, locate ex-husband and get money owed to you. Locate a company and where there now trading from, so you can sue them.

We have the computer systems and experience to find a witness, a lost family member to locate them with home address and contact details.

Generally all we need is a small amount of information, ie name, Date of Birth, last known address and we can find them using sophisticated computer systems.

Company Checks

If its a limited company , just give us a name of limited company and we do the rest.

Address Checking

Our computer scanning systems are able to look at the address and tell you who’s living in it and are they renting or owners without anyone knowing.

Results Guaranteed

We use a mixture of computer Data systems( not available to the public) and good old fashioned researching the results.You can always phone or email us for updates.

Your Next Move

If not sure gives us a telephone call 01752 93 61 35 or email us info@tracefind.co.uk

Start Trace Now

We can Trace your Debtor and find them fast

So you can get your money owed or assets or start legal proceedings against the debtor
Start Trace Now