Locate a Freeholder

Tracefind are the specialists in finding absentee Freeholders. This problem often happens where you have large old houses that have been converted into flats. Conversions like this create the following problems

  • The Freeholder lost interest or forgotten about their responsibilities & duties
  • The freeholder lost contact by moving away from last known address
  • The Freeholder may have died or in a care home with dementia
  • The Freeholders if divorced may think each other is responsible for the freehold

This problem can carry on for many years, and only become an issue in the event of a flat holder trying to make an insurance claim and finding out there was no insurance. As this was the freeholder’s duty.

Another problem could be a maintenance issue, for example the roof is leaking and needs to be replaced. This would be due to a lack of collection of a service charge

This could affect the resell value of a flat or could stop the sale of flats in a property.

We can Help

  • High Success rate
  • Result in 7 Days
  • Constant case updates
  • Individual case officer
  • Just £125.00(No Vat)

To remedy and resolve your absentee freeholder problem is to apply to your County Court for a Vesting Order(Please click on this link https://www.gov.uk/guidance/vesting-orders-how-to-apply).

It is a precondition for an application for a vesting order that as a leaseholder you have made every reasonable effort to try and contact and locate the missing freeholder. By using Tracefind specialists’ systems, you have gone to the lengths required by the court.

A positive trace will give you a current address of the freeholder, which is cross referenced by two separate information sources, and is guaranteed for 30 days and we will re-check the

Find Freeholders of Blocks of Flats

Wheres vacant Freeholder


Telephone 01752 93 61 35

Email: info@beacon-enforcement.co.uk